Light and shadow in Antelope Canyon

Why this blog?

To lift you up on your difficult days and celebrate all the rest.

 When I come home at the end of a trying day, I just want to feel better. I need gentle grounded comfort and soothing calm. I need confidence that I am okay and that I will find my way. I find realistic thoughts and perspectives about the circumstances I face helpful. I don’t need one size fits all solutions. Not all problems have immediate solutions anyway. Often, I know what I need to do or if I don’t, I need to settle down before I think it through. What I really need is perspective and understanding. To feel that I am not alone in my worries. To brighten up the rest of my day.

What about me?

Joyful, experienced, complex.

I can tell you that I am a curious mix of rationality, self-reflection, caution, boldness, and wonder. I have known success and my fare share of complications and failures. Even in my darkest hours, I have stubbornly believed joy is never far. I write what I have searched for on my very bad days, but also for when I need a boost as I strive to do my best in a world where that doesn’t often seem good enough. In so many ways, we are already there. While I am game for self improvement, I don’t think of myself or most people as broken, needing to be fixed. Sometimes all we need is a little bit of peace and encouragement.

Orange red white and violet flowers
Mountainous green land against deep turquoise sea

What's here for you?

Calm, comfort, and confidence.

I offer you a collection of writings and workbooks, which aim to serve as a respite from the harsh winds of the blustery days out in the wide world. May they bring you needed comfort like a bit of warmth on frosty frustrating days or a cool fresh breeze when the sun is hot. I wish to affirm you and strengthen your understanding of your goodness and your successes no matter how small. I believe this need to be widespread and hope my writings will speak for themselves and to the many of you from so many different walks of life.

Let me know what you think and what you need!

I hope you find a little joy, a bit of light, gentle eloquent reminders of cherished hope and possibility amongst worldly musings to lift your spirits. I am here for you. Let me know what you think and what you need.